Sunday 19 February 2012

editing day 3


today we started to add captions at the point in the movie opening where tom is walking down from the grave yard to the building, we decided to add the here as it is the first part of the film opening where there is no dialogue and where the chilling music box music is being played.

we used our own names at the beginning of the film and put the roles we played in the making of the film

"Filmed by mia goodley"

"Staring gwen caple
rosy vega
tom white"

music/ sound

today we also started to add sound into our film opening.

i believe that in a horror film sound is extremely crucial as this build the tension and gets people on the edge of their seats, if i am getting to scared watching a horror film i will turn the sound off to make the scene less scary, so from my personal experiences i believe that sound has a huge role to play in the horror film genre to get the audience really scared.

so we started adding the music in the parts we wanted to come across most scary, we used strong eerie music that is clear but chilling at the same time and we also chose to use a music box at the beginning of the film, again i believe that also having music related to children creates a better and more scary atmosphere, also as our film is about a man whose lost his child this was really relevant to our film and we decided that we would use it as an iconic piece throughout our film, starting by using it as he is walking away from his child grave.

we found our sounds from a website called free sounds

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