Sunday 8 January 2012

updated schedule

1st November 2011

DATE                        WHERE                     ACTORS                            TIME

24/11/11                   my basement             Tom de Vere White                after school
                                                                   Rosy Vega

                                                                   Gwen Caple

25/11/11                   my house                  tom de Vere White                 after school
                                                                   Mia Goodley
                                                                  Isabella Goodley

25th of November onward we will add in any extra time needed out of our plan if we don't meet our updated schedule.

we have decided to change the dates of our filming process to the above, we have also decided to change the location of our shoot to my basement, as we think this we will a more suitable place to create the best tension for our horror film opening, we have also changed our actors and brought tom into play the main character who turns out to be the villain and rosy and Gwen will play the two girls who are the victims while i shoot the scenes and direct the shooting with rosy and Gwen, deciding camera angles and where the actors will stand and what they will say.


Mum and Daughter playing together in a field, laughing and smiling

The camera zooms out to an over the shoulder shot of the dad watching them on a video camera. The nursery rhyme 'Ring around a rosies' starts playing in a child's voice. The man joins in on the last line "They all fall down." The shot changes to black.

The next shot you see is the title 'THE SOCIAL EXPERIMENT'. It is written in red to represent blood.

The scene changes to a shot of the four teenagers receiving letter about the social experiment. They all agree to go. You then see a shot of them turning up at the social experiment.

The room is pitch black with only a light on the floor.

The light shows foot steps walking towards the children.

The light is shone on the children's faces. The torch drops.

The torch is on the floor again, watching the mans feet walk around the room.

The next shot you see is of a hand reaching out, covered in blood.

The children have all been tortured. They can not escape. What will happen to them?

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