Thursday, 12 January 2012

refilming our movie opening

we decided after our last editing session and from looking over all of the clips that we defiantly needed to re film some more video clips, to make sure that it was viewable to the audience and they could see everything that was going on, we also changed the idea of our film to make it make more sense at the end and to give it a more gripping story that the audience that will make them want to carry on watching.

our final idea - we have kept all of the begging bit of our film all the same: tom at the grave yard, rosy and Gwen talking then knocking on the door for what they have known to be a experiment where they will be taking part in a medical experiment for what they think is £1000 (but you wouldn't find this out until later in the film) we have kept rosy and Gwen walking down the stairs and tom locking the door all the same, then this is where it changes, we have changed it to when tom turns off the lights and gwen and rosy are in the darkness, gwen disappears and rosy is left alone, the lights come back on and rosy then realises gwen is not there tom comes down the stairs and informs rosy that gwen is having her interview rosy believes him and goes upstairs, the next shot is of rosy finding a knife with blood on and she throws it down she then discovers photos of her mother and hr sister and herself, she finds this weird and she is confused to why he has pictures of her and her family, tom then asks rosy if she is ready for her interview, she reply then goes back down stairs, the next shot is of rosy discovering Gwen tied up which we had filmed previously, rosy screams and continues to cry, we then decided this is where the name of the film will come up and that is the end of our film opening.

for the filming today i filmed the clips using the flip cam and rosy gwen and tom stared in the film.
so today when filming we filmed:
  • the lights turning off then back to when rosy realises that gwen is no longer next to her in the basement
  • tom asking rosy to wait upstairs while gwen is being interviewed
  • rosy finding the pictures of her mother and sister along with a knife with blood on
  • rosy walking down the stairs waiting for her interview
  • rosy finding gwen
shots used during the filming today
  • over the shoulder
  • point of view
  • pan out
  • close up
  • extreme close up
props used fr the filming today

The coat Tom wears

The knife Rosy finds

The photos Rosy finds of herself,
Mum and sister.

The fake blood we used on the knife..

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

editing day 2

During this editing time we put the first part of our film opening together, we decided we would defiantly use our back up plan which was of tom looking at two grave stones and walking through the graveyard to the place where the story was going to be set (the basement).

we all contributed in starting to re understand how to use the final cut express program, and we are happy with the result we have come out with, now we have had some practise on the software we found it easier to edit the clips together into one, using the crop tool mainly to get the sections of the clips that we wanted.

we are happy with the result and the moment and we hope to continue with the same understand and learning things along the way while editing and putting together our horror film opening.

editing day 1

we decided that to create the best professional look for our final film opening we would use the mac books editing our footage on a software called final cut express, during the time period between the preliminary task and now we over come the issues we had originally and become more confident on the macs ready for our final editing process.

during this editing session, we decided that we would go through all the clips we filmed and decide what ones we wanted and what ones we didn't want, this would make it easier when it came to chose what clips to put into the final cut express time line.
when reviewing all the clips we realised that some of the clips were unusable as they were too dark and the audience wouldn't be able to see what was going on and could only hear we tried using different effects and tools on the macs including the brighten tool to see if we could save the clips but this didn't work, although having the dark clips with only sound could have been effective i think that we should consider filming some parts of the film again.  

we also decided during this session that we wouldn't use the clips that i filmed using myself tom and Isabella as they were too dark and didn't resemble what we wanted them too, but we did have a back up plan that we have already filmed if the clips of the three of us didn't come out well, so we have decided to use them clips instead.

so during this editing period we chose the clips we are going to use for our final movie.

Shooting Day 2

25th november 2011

the filming

today i filmed the scene with myself tom and Isabella in playing the roles of the mother (myself) father (tom de Vere white) and the young child (Isabella goodley) we filmed this in the dark although this wasn't the effect that i wanted to give this was the only time available before editing and it got so dark so early so we had to make do with the surroundings.
we tried to create a family atmosphere, on parts i was recording tom playing with Isabella and tom filming me playing with Isabella, we was trying to create the effect of a home video. i think this part of the film was really hard to shoot as we only had car head light and street lap lights, this didn't really create the effect we wanted it too, so i think we should consider this when editing our film, to see if there is any way to brighten the footage up.

props used
for this we used no props only ourselves we didn't need any props for this part of the filming.

Sunday, 8 January 2012

shooting day 1

24th November 2011

The filming

Today we went to my basement to start filming for our horror film opening.
we started by filming tom in the grave yard which is right next to the location of my basement, during this scene there is no dialogue and it is just of tom looking at two grave stones, this helps to cause confusion and thoughts to the audience as they wonder why he is looking at the grave stone this also sets the scene for the rest of the film as starting in a grave yard will show the film is not going to be pleasant like a comedy or a romantic film as you don't tend to have comedies set in grave yard as this gives a chilling effect. we then filmed the entrance of the two characters Gwen and rosy and the initial meeting of rosy Gwen and tom, during this scence we used a lot of camera angles including over the shoulder shot, match on action, the 180 degree rule and many more. we then continued to film down in the basement where the main filming took place, we found this hard to shoot as we found it hard to get the right lighting so the audience could see what was going on, we organically used torch light but at the end of the filming session we decided that we need to re film a few more bits, and we add this to our shooting schedule.

props used during this shoot
  • white dress
  • lab coat
  • tourch
  • rope

updated schedule

1st November 2011

DATE                        WHERE                     ACTORS                            TIME

24/11/11                   my basement             Tom de Vere White                after school
                                                                   Rosy Vega

                                                                   Gwen Caple

25/11/11                   my house                  tom de Vere White                 after school
                                                                   Mia Goodley
                                                                  Isabella Goodley

25th of November onward we will add in any extra time needed out of our plan if we don't meet our updated schedule.

we have decided to change the dates of our filming process to the above, we have also decided to change the location of our shoot to my basement, as we think this we will a more suitable place to create the best tension for our horror film opening, we have also changed our actors and brought tom into play the main character who turns out to be the villain and rosy and Gwen will play the two girls who are the victims while i shoot the scenes and direct the shooting with rosy and Gwen, deciding camera angles and where the actors will stand and what they will say.


Mum and Daughter playing together in a field, laughing and smiling

The camera zooms out to an over the shoulder shot of the dad watching them on a video camera. The nursery rhyme 'Ring around a rosies' starts playing in a child's voice. The man joins in on the last line "They all fall down." The shot changes to black.

The next shot you see is the title 'THE SOCIAL EXPERIMENT'. It is written in red to represent blood.

The scene changes to a shot of the four teenagers receiving letter about the social experiment. They all agree to go. You then see a shot of them turning up at the social experiment.

The room is pitch black with only a light on the floor.

The light shows foot steps walking towards the children.

The light is shone on the children's faces. The torch drops.

The torch is on the floor again, watching the mans feet walk around the room.

The next shot you see is of a hand reaching out, covered in blood.

The children have all been tortured. They can not escape. What will happen to them?
24th October 2011

Finished and Final Preliminary Task 

this is our final video we edited using movie maker on windows we decided to use this as our final preliminary task as we thought that this resembled what we was trying to create the best with the editing skills we used on the windows movie maker, i think that knowing and learning different ways of editing videos is good, but i want to be able to become more advanced on the final cut express video editing program as this will make our final film opening look more professional, we are currently still trying to figure out the problems that occurred in our first attempt so we can become better in our film opening, but i am happy with how our final preliminary task came out on window movie maker.
23rd october 2011

Preliminary Task First Attempt

This is our first attempt at using the mac computers to edit our preliminary task like i said in one of my previous posts we found t hard to understand the mac books and decided that for our preliminary task we would use movie maker, we made various mistakes when filming this task but this was a great way of learning and experimenting different ways of editing our movies, this is our unfinished preliminary task that we made by using the macs we will review this when we come to do our final task to see what we can do to make our editing skills better on the mac computer.